Quebec Immigration

When it comes to immigration, the rules and procedures in the Canadian province of Quebec are completely different. A permanent residency in Quebec can be obtained through a variety of avenues, including permanent workers, business persons, temporary workers, foreign students, family reunion, and humanitarian immigration.

The single official language of Quebec is French, which is spoken by the vast majority of the province’s inhabitants. As Canada’s largest province, Quebec has a population of nearly 8 million people. Nearly 4 million of these people reside in the greater Montreal region. Québec has several regions with high standards of living and a wide range of employment options.

Immigrating and settling in Quebec is possible in a variety of ways. Each one is subdivided into the following categories:

Permanent Workers: Quebec’s regular skilled worker programme is accepting applications for permanent positions. According on numerous criteria, candidates are granted points. Points are awarded based on characteristics such as your education and professional experience, your age, your understanding of English and French and your connection to Quebec, as well as the number of children under the age of 19 who are accompanying you.

The Grille synthèse des facteurs et critères applicables à la sélection des travailleurs qualifiés (summary grid of factors and criteria used to select skilled workers) presents in addition to the selection factors and criteria, how they are weighted and the passing scores that apply to skilled workers.

Business People: Business immigration in Quebec is broken down into three distinct groups.

  • Entrepreneur Program: You can apply for this programme if you want to move to Quebec and start or buy a business there.
  • Investor Program: In order to participate in Quebec’s economic growth, this programme is designed for those who want to move to the province and invest in its future.
  • Self-Employed Worker Program: The self-employed can apply for immigration under this category if they desire to practise their profession or trade in Quebec.

Quebec Experience Class (PEQ): If you’ve studied or worked in Quebec, you may be eligible for the Quebec Experience Class (Programme de l’expérience Québécoise) visa preference system. The initial step towards immigration under PEQ is obtaining the Certificat de sélection du Québec (commonly known as a Quebec Selection Certificate or “CSQ”). Once you have this, you may apply for a federal permission through IRCC. This is a two-tiered fast-track system that is divided into the following groups:

  • Temporary Foreign Workers: With 12 months of work experience in Quebec’s highly skilled, management, or professional occupations under their belt, a temporary foreign worker may be able to apply. Your employment and legal status in Quebec are both prerequisites for consideration, as is proof of your fluency in the French language.
  • Foreign Students: International students who have completed a two-year degree or certificate from a Quebec-recognized educational institution in the last three years are eligible to apply. In addition, they must be able to demonstrate fluency in French.

Family Reunification: An 18-year-old Canadian citizen or permanent resident who lives in Quebec is required to sponsor an immediate family member into Quebec. A person under the age of 18 who is not married or in a common-law relationship can be sponsored by you if you are a married person or a common-law person. The requirements for each sponsorship application are going to be different. To learn more, click here.

Humanitarian Immigration Quebec:

Each year, Québec and the Canadian government decide how many refugees and others in similar situations will be admitted to Québec and placed under the jurisdiction of the province (government-assisted refugees).

As a Convention Refugee Abroad, one must not have permanently established in the nation where one is seeking asylum in order for Québec to consider them for government-assisted refugee status in the province. A person who is the subject of a group sponsorship may also be classified as a person in the asylum-seeker category.

Foreign nationals and their accompanying family members’ personal qualities and language proficiency are taken into account by Québec in the evaluation of the application. The presence of dependent children, a relationship with an individual who is either the spouse, including de facto spouse, or a relative in first or second degree, and any work experience, remunerated or not is also taken into consideration by Québec.

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