Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program

Saskatchewan natural beauty and booming economy.

Canadian province Saskatchewan borders the United States of America to the south. Regina and Saskatoon are the two largest cities in the province. Grasslands, coniferous forests, rivers, and lakes abound in Saskatchewan. First Nations people as well as natural history are featured in displays at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Regina.

It used to be that the majority of the inhabitants of Saskatchewan lived in rural areas, but this is changing. There has been a long-term decline in population, but that has begun to change in recent years as the development of oil sands, potash and uranium drives an economic boom similar to Alberta’s boom. Along with oil, gas, and mining, agriculture is the most important part of the economy. For example, the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon has established a synchrotron to increase scientific research and technology in the province.

Saskatchewan Immigration Streams

SINP, or Saskatchewan PNP, is an immigration programme that prioritises applicants with sought-after employment abilities and work experience that are in high demand in Saskatchewan. A Saskatchewan Provincial Nominee Certificate is issued to Saskatchewan INP applicants, allowing them to apply for permanent residence in Canada. In comparison to other Canadian immigration processes, this is completed significantly more quickly. Saskatchewan’s Immigrant Nominee Program has four key areas for immigration:
Saskatchewan INP Categories
International Skilled Worker Category
Saskatchewan Work Experience Category
Entrepreneur Category
Farm Owner and Operator Category

Contact us

Contact us for Assistance Canwood Canada is a leading Canadian immigration law firm with over 10 years of experience. Canwood Canada features Immigration Consultants, paralegals, and professionals who are dedicated to helping you immigrate to Canada. was founded as the online presence of CanWood Consulting Immigration Inc. Canwood is one of the most trusted resources on Canadian immigration. If you want to immigrate to Canada through the PNP or another skilled worker pathway, the first step is to complete a free Canwood assessment form. If you are eligible for Canadian immigration, a member of the Canwood Canada team will reach out to provide you with as much assistance as possible.
CanWoodCanada business hours are from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm local time at our office locations in Vancouver, Abbotsford and Toronto
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